well, this is my final project. after much brainstorming and experimenting, i decided to do another social commentary poster, since i had so many ideas for that project that i wasnt able to do. i had thought about doing a series with the characters from the tv cartoon, captain planet, or a series of the four natural elements, or another representation of how humans are destroying the world we live on.
so, i finally arrived at this poster about deforestation. i was inspired by the grunge style posters of david carson and the layering exercise we did in class with molly morin. the bottom half of the photo, shows land where trees have been or are in the process of being cut down. the image reminded me of the aftermath of an explosion of some sort, so i wanted the top half of the poster to reflect that. i hope i have accomplished that affect with the explosion of letters, all of which are part of the word 'deforestation'. the yellow affect i think gives it an even more of a discomforting feel for the viewer.