Monday, February 1, 2010


okay, so here is my final draft of the self-portrait project. its definitely....strange. i stuck with the lizzard idea and left out details of the eyebrows and a distinctive nose, but i made two clear, small nostrils.

i had to experiment a lot with the scarf, but finally decided on a pattern, that to me, looks like the stitches in a knitted scarf. i also used the same pair of colors as in the background, to try and keep things balanced some.

i had a lot of trouble brainstorming for the tongue, but in the end, just kept it flat like the rest of the figures.

lastly, im really not sure how i feel about the hair...i tried to give it a little more depth by adding different shades of the circles, to reflect the different shades of blonde that are in my hair-however, im not sure if it actually gives that effect, and would love some feedback!

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